Composting 101

Create Your Own Compost

Taking the First Step

Realize the environmental benefits of composting and make a conscious decision to start your composting journey.

Composting is an organic process that involves creating a balance between green (nitrogen-rich) and brown (carbon-rich) components.

Composting Equipment

Invest in a compost bin or create a designated compost area in your garden. It's the first physical step in your composting journey.

The First Layer

Start your compost pile with a layer of brown materials, providing carbon for the decomposing process and aiding aeration.

Layer green materials next to supply the essential nitrogen for the microorganisms that break down the organic matter.

Adding the Greens

Add water to maintain moisture and a few shovelfuls of soil or finished compost to introduce beneficial bacteria and fungi into the mix.

Water and Soil


Understand that turning your compost pile every two to three weeks is key. It helps aerate the pile, speeds up the decomposition process, and ensures an evenly finished product.

Patience is Key

Realize that composting isn't a quick process. Patience is a virtue when waiting for the compost to mature.

Celebrate your first batch of compost! It's a nutrient-rich soil booster that'll be fantastic for your garden.

Harvesting Compost

Now that you've completed your first composting cycle, continue the process. Understand that composting is an ongoing journey that contributes to a greener earth.